Healthy Lifestyle

Yoga is very important in keeping your body flexible and in excellent condition. What is important in Thai Massage is that Yoga poses are an important part of the massage.  When you are unable to have a massage on a regular basis be sure to keep yourself as pain-free as possible with Yoga Stretches. Create Balance in your life and find laughter and joy throughout your day.

Tips for Staying Healthy 

fresh fuuits and vegetables

Healthy Eating with Vegetables and fruit. Eliminate junk food.
Exercise on a regular basis. Find an activity that you love.
Have a balanced lifestyle.
Create a fun hobby that you love doing.
Find Joy and laughter in your life.
Stay active with friends and family.
Sleep well, at least 7-9 hours a night.
Keep your mind active by learning new things.
Focus on what is positive in your life.
Reach out for support when needed.


Many people say “you are what you eat”  Being and staying healthy is most important in this day and age. Eating many varieties of vegetables and fruit is a lifestyle that will be beneficial for your wellbeing today and in your future.

Breakfast SmoothieStarting your day with healthy protein powder and vegetables and fruit such as spinach, beets, apples, and blueberries. Maca and Moringa powder are great additions. MTC oil or coconut oil and collagen are exceptionally good for you.


Salmon with vegetables is an example of a healthy dinner. Add a healthy salad. Fresh oil and vinegar make the best salad dressings. Traditional Balsamic aged vinegar and Roasted garlic Avacado oil are my personal favorites.


Cranberry Bread

I started making this cranberry bread with my friend MaryJo when our children were very young. This Cranberry Bread is a family favorite for the Holidays.

  • 4 cups sifted flour
  • 2 cups sugar (I use Organic sucanat sugar)
  • 1 1/2 tsp Baking Soda
  • 1 1/2 tsp salt
  • 2 tbsp vinegar
  • 2 cups sour milk (add 2 tbsp of vinegar to milk to equal 2 cups sour milk. Let this sit for 20 minutes.)
  • 1 large bag of cranberries
  • 2-3 tsp cinnamon
  • 2 tbsp sugar
  • 2 cups chopped pecans or walnuts
  1. Make the sour milk by adding 2 tbsp vinegar to milk to equal 2 cups let sit for 20 minutes

  2. cut cranberries in half and add the sugar, cinnamon/sugar mixture and let it sit.

  3. chop the nuts

  4. Mix the flour, sugar, baking soda, and salt together.

  5. combine the beaten eggs with the sour milk and add the flour mixture.

  6. add the cranberries and the nuts. Mix well


  1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Pour into 2 greased loaf pans

  2. Bake at 325 for 1 hour or 65 minutes.


Homeopathy is an excellent way to stay and be healthy. Please click the link below Homeopathy Booklet to read the descriptions. Find help for pain relief, burns, bee stings, and many more ailments.

Homeopathy Booklet _202011051340331

Contact me If you would like more information.


Therapeutic Thai Massage

What sets Therapeutic Thai Massage apart is that Betse finds the true cause of the pain and corrects the problem. She uses some of her Healing Tools to assist her. The QRS pen is one she uses consistently. She also has her clients lie down on the Bio-Mat, which is a Far-infrared pad with amethyst crystals. This is also a favorite of her clients especially when they are in pain.

One of the best advantages of Thai Massage is using the Side position which allows the practitioner to help correct both back pain, sciatic pain, and also neck and shoulder issues. The iliopsoas muscle is located by the rib cage and hip area and also goes down the inner leg. This muscle is the deepest hip flexor and causes most of the back and sciatic pain. In the side position, the cause of the pain can be easily located and either palpitated by hand or with the QRS pen. (see description of the QRS under healing tools)

 Clients wear comfortable clothes where they can receive Yoga type stretches easily.

Homeopathy is a beneficial way to alleviate pain.

Arnica is good for muscle aches and pain.

For muscle spasms use Mag Phos.

Mag Phos is also good for menstrual cramps.